Document 2037 DOCN M94A2037 TI Work of a NGO in assistance and prevention in a severe low resource community. DT 9412 AU Gramajo EA; Fundacion SPES, Buenos Aires-Argentina. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):395 (abstract no. PD0189). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370538 AB OBJECTIVE: 1) Get that Aids is accepted as a health problem in the assisted area. 2) Offer integral assistance to people with HIV/AIDS socially unprotected. 3) Socialize the information and promote the use of condoms. METHODS: 1) Team work with community based organizations of the zone, attending the social, cultural, psychological and economic factors affecting the people. 2) Advisory and specialized consultary offices attended by a staff well abreast of the problems of poor sectors. 3) Permanent broadcasting in local radios and at places of massive audiences. 4) Permanent evaluation. RESULTS: In a year's work: 1) Recognition by the groups of the high index of infection and of the many difficulties in adopting conducts of prevention. 2) Setting-up of a district orientation centre in charge of volunteers. 3) Training of multiplying agents and regular delivery of condoms. 4) Spontaneous approach of people with HIV/AIDS and their relatives receiving contention and specific care. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The work carried out combined with social groups of the assisted zone and the implementation of combined programs of prevention and personalized assistance, allowed a more adequate response to the requirements of communities of unattended basic needs. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/ REHABILITATION Argentina Comprehensive Health Care *Developing Countries *Health Education *Health Resources Health Services Needs and Demand Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/REHABILITATION Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice *Medically Underserved Area *Self-Help Groups Social Support MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).